
During the implementation of an E-Learning platform, we can meet your needs by adding, modifying or creating plug-ins.

Thanks to the open source logic of Moodle and its great adaptability, we can develop the ideal solution for your E-Learning platform.

If you want to know what the most popular plug-ins are for E-Learning and what we have done, come and have a look at the following.

Come and have a look!

Qu'est-ce que H5P ?

| Super User | Plug-in
Que signifie H5P ? H5P, abréviation de Html-5-Package, est un outil qui permet de produire et d'...

Plug-in : Custommailing

| Super User | Plug-in
Le plug-in « custommailing » est un plug-in de campagne e-mailing entièrement paramétrable par le...

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CBlue e-learning

We create with you the e-learning platform you need




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